Ancient Printing and Journalism

      This past week we began talking about ancient printings. If I'm being completely honest, I found myself zoning out a lot during the class discussions. It wasn't until we started talking about the history of newspapers that I started to actually process what we were talking about. As Mr. Miller was going through the timeline of newspapers, I started to realize what an important source they were in the earlier centuries and how that was their main way to hear about the news. There were no news stations or phones the people could reference to, it was just the paper.
       Through these discussions of ancient printing and journalism, I have also realized what a big part both components played in history. Journalists were people's primary way to know what was going on, especially in war. During the Associated Press Era, people relied on the journalists to provide them with accurate information about what was going on. Not only that but the creation of the movable metal printing press opened the door to so many things we use today, like maps and having a consistent language.
      Through these past few class discussions, I've felt like I was able to see a different perspective of earlier centuries through the eyes of journalism and how it impacted the past.


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