Demassification response

      When we were talking about demassification in class, Mr.Miller made it clear that it is never something intentionally done, but it is rather a response to loosing your mass audience. Instead of shooting for the largest potential audience, the media goes for a niche audience, which is a fraction of the mass audience that is focused on a specific group. As I was putting more thought into demassification I realized what a smart business move it is. If a mass medium is no longer reaching its mass audience, they can appeal to a niche audience and still be successful. Instead of  making a broad amount of content to appeal to everyone, mass media can now make specific content generated to their intended following. For example, radio stations have gone through demassification and now only reach a specific group. Every music radio station plays a different genre of music to fit its specific listener's likes. Now instead of the radio being a way to hear news, it's mainly used to listen to new music. Even though it has changed with society, the change hasn't made the radio unpopular or insignificant.
       When we were talking about demassification in class I was thinking of it as a bad thing to go through, but now I realize that it isn't bad and can actually work out in the medium's favor.


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